National Senior Citizens Day – August 21, 2020

Do you have an elderly person in your life that you love and appreciate? National Senior Citizens Day, August 21,  is the day to let them know how much you care and it’s an opportunity to recognize their accomplishments.  In 1988, President Ronald Reagan proclaimed this holiday to raise awareness about issues that affect senior citizens and their quality of life.

Today, seniors are still active in their communities as well as continuing to have a strong presence in the workforce.  For all they do and have achieved for the good of their communities, senior citizens deserve our thanks!


  1. Spend time at a nursing/retirement home

    One of the kindest and most rewarding things one can do is to visit a nursing home. Sit and chat with residents. Play games and participate in activities. You can really make a difference in someone’s life. Plus, you may find the experience fun and rewarding, too!

  2. Reach out to a senior family member

    Do you have a senior family member? Perhaps it’s a parent, grandparent, aunt, or uncle. Visit them and spend some time together. If you can’t see them in person, don't text — call! Let them hear the warmth in your voice when you tell them how much you appreciate them.

  3. Have fun!

    Are you a senior citizen yourself? Well, today is all about you! Live it up and treat yourself. Spend time with your favorite people, go shopping — do whatever you like. This could be the day you finally try that one thing you never have time for or perhaps it's a perfect day to chill at home. You’ve earned this time, so enjoy it!


  1. Seniors give wise and useful advice

    Our elderly family and friends have a lifetime's worth of precious experiences (and stories) to share. For centuries, cultures across the world have looked to the seniors in their communities for wisdom and knowledge. In times of trouble or when we simply don't know what to do, seniors are often the first people we turn to for a different or even, unusual perspective. If we listen, we can learn so much from them.

  2. Seniors give generously

    It's widely known that seniors make more charitable donations than any other age group. They have more time to devote to others and volunteer. We appreciate how much they look out for their loved ones and it’s a quality we love in our seniors.

  3. Seniors give us goodies!

    Perhaps this stems from their generous and charitable nature, but seniors are very good at making us feel special. Grandparents dote on us when we need it, and sometimes when we don't. To every grandparent or elderly loved one that has given us a treat or made sure we ate well or spoiled us in some other way, we salute and appreciate you!

Blair Ramon